Empowering Emotional and 
Spiritual Intelligence

Healing the hearts of people so relationships can be restored, 
and identity discovered. Arise and Shine Ministries provides tools 
to unlock your God given potential.
Healing the hearts of people so relationships can be restored, 
and identity discovered. Arise and Shine Ministries provides tools 
to unlock your God given potential.

The ability to connect with others, either personally or professionally, starts with your emotional health and intelligence.

The team at Arise and Shine Ministries works with individuals, couples, and leaders of all types. Whether our interaction is remote or in person, our goal is to see breakthrough in whatever area you feel stagnant. The process of achieving this breakthrough is catered to your individual needs and our experience. For some, it might be a three-day intensive. For others, it may be a series of hourly sessions. Corporate and Church leaders might prefer in-house or retreat-based counseling. Whatever the case, we help identify areas in your life that may be keeping you from feeling peace, joy, and freedom. Through surrender and intimate prayer, our team walks with you to experience a true connection with others. That raw, genuine connection restores marriages, discovers identity, and revitalizes a kingdom culture in churches and corporations.

Arise & Shine Ministries is a non-profit family owned organization with ministerial education and corporate experience.

Our mission is to see reconciliation in broken families, the redemption of stained identities, and prosperous, healthy working environments. We believe that the miracles Jesus performed are available for us today. Arise and Shine Ministries envisions that healing the hearts of individuals and families, leads to a renewed mind enabling people to experience His manifest presence and walk in wholeness. We believe that marriages can not only be restored but be better than ever. We believe that people are meant to live in God’s love and be free from negativity, fear, and anxiety. We believe corporations are intended to be financially prosperous. We believe that if churches and corporations understand the hearts of their people, mindsets will be renewed, and the people who serve will feel like they belong because they feel worthy.

Whether you want individual breakthrough, a better marriage, or a healthy work culture, we can help.

Inner Healing
Today many people struggle with shame, trust, fear, anxiety, and much more. Many of these struggles stem from belief systems created by circumstances and trauma in our lives. We often form vows or agreements when we believe lies about who we are and what is intended for us. These vows drive us to maintain the lies we believe through performance, pride, isolation, doubt, fear, and unbelief. Arise and Shine Ministries help you break off these lies.
Spiritual deliverance is obtaining freedom from demonic oppression. Historically deliverance has been met with reluctance in many environments because it is messy and seems scary. However, when the oppressed are met with love through the blood of Jesus, deliverance can be gentle yet very powerful. Arise and Shine Ministries help you remove the demonic strongholds and replace those vacated parts of our soul with the Spirit of God.
Career/Life/Strategy Coaching
After healing the heart, how do you begin to move forward personally and/or professionally? It feels amazing to let it all go doesn’t it, but what are the next steps? How do you implement your new dreams and life purpose? How do you want this new life to look? How do you get out of a pattern that is not just a one time problem? Here at Arise and Shine we go beyond standard life coaching by helping you find, create and live fully in your destiny within the Kingdom.
Corporate Onboarding
According to a LinkedIn report entitled, “Workplace Culture Trends: The Key to Hiring”, the secret sauce to retention is ensuring employees feel like they belong to an organization. Arise and Shine Ministries coaches the leaders of organizations on creating and maintaining a Leadership culture focused on key components so employees feel like they are heard, while learning their core strength and are a part of something they belong too.

Inner Healing and Deliverance

Arise and Shine Ministries believe that Inner Healing and Deliverance are symbiotic. They operate together. A person who undergoes inner healing will likely achieve some deliverance and vice versa. It is crucial, however, to emphasize that without both complete healing and freedom is diminished. Arise and Shine Ministries believes that Inner Healing and Deliverance are mediated through love. It is not meant to be self-condemning, fearful, or coarse. Our team is well trained in making you feel loved through the process so that healing and deliverance is soft and comfortable. Healing and deliverance are a vital part of our sanctification process. Once saved we sometimes still feel trapped, or stuck, despite having the Holy Spirit inside of us. Inner Healing and Deliverance allows God’s Spirit and our spirit to align without encumbrances like fear, anxiety, depression, hopelessness, addiction, etc. Inner Healing and Deliverance is a tool that can be used for the journey of sanctification, personally and professionally. It is meant for everyone and can be utilized in any setting.

Inner Healing and Deliverance is for anyone that feels trapped, stuck or stagnant. This can apply to trying to save a marriage or simply enhancing it. It can also apply to individuals who feel unable to “get out of my head.” Inner Healing and Deliverance is also for leaders trying to create a positive culture, whether it is for a congregation or workplace. Inner Healing and Deliverance is for anyone but requires an honest surrender and willful participation. The efficacy of healing and deliverance is dependent on the desires of the heart. Even if your actions are not pure, all that is needed is a slight desire to want to heal. Inner Healing and Deliverance transforms the lives of individuals, couples, and leaders.

Inner Healing and Deliverance are applicable in all facets of our lives. Whether with a spouse, family, a church, or a corporation, a healed heart increases our emotional intelligence to connect with others. When a husband and wife vulnerably share their life story before each other or an individual does it alone, healing begins to occur. When the heart is postured with repentance, forgiveness, and humility, it is softened in such a radical manner that when combined with intimate prayer, breakthrough occurs. When a person recounts their life story, it uncovers areas of pride, bitterness, anger, and sin. When an event is discovered in our lives that lay origin fear, distrust, and sin manifest, later on, it is through intimate prayer the pain from these origins can be healed. As we heal from the pain, we also determine sources of demonic spirits and deliver them from your soul. Once a person or couple is healed and delivered, they can walk in the freedom of knowing who they are in Christ. It is with this freedom that we can connect with spouses and others. As we connect better with our spouses and others, we can create kingdom cultures in families and the world.


Some words from our clients

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